There are more options and opportunities than ever to get a college degree! But within all those options it can be hard to know what information to trust and where to begin. At Thrive we are passionate about maximizing college opportunities and using the application process as a tool to help students grow and mature. It is one thing to get into a great school, but it is even more important that it is the right fit for each student’s values and goals. We come alongside you as a consultant, coach, and mentor to guide you in the what, where, when, and why of College Planning:
Create a Timeline for Goals
Conduct College Fit Inventory
Develop a College Criteria List
Evaluate Courseloads
Plan Future Courses
Create a Testing Plan
Evaluate Finances
Develop a List of Potential Schools
Create Application Timelines
Essay Planning and Writing
Create a College Visit Plan
Create an Organizational System
In all of this we are committed to being an experienced mentor for both students and parents. It is essential to have someone with experience to help you clarify what values and factors are most essential in the college experience you want.